Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Interpretation of Plato's Allegory

After reading the allegory of the cave, and observing the claymation numerous times, I have noticed some interesting things. The claymation shows a sequence of images and scenes as if the writing was interpreted literally. There is a cave, with prisoners chained to the walls, with a fire and a raised wall, just like the allegory. However, I didn't see it this way. The human beings held prisoner I believe, represent regular actions and ways of thinking. People are cooped up in their homes or rooms all day and are scared to explore the world. They stay in their own little 'bubble' and though this is all they have known, they believe this is all they should know. They believe that the "upper world" is too dangerous and too much of a risk to explore. However, there are those that realize that living in an enclosed space is not really "living" at all. They don't want to spend the rest of their lives wondering what could have been. They want to see for themselves. I know many people that travel the world, live with different people, and return with a new view of life. They share this new knowledge with me. I find most of it to be strange or bizarre and I must admit that I would be a little scared or nervous to do what they did. I would certainly have an unfair judgment of other countries and have an ethnocentric view. It is until I go out and see more parts of the world that I will understand how my traveling friend now feels. Another interpretation that came to my mind was that of religion. People are born into families that are either religious or nonreligious. They usually take on their parents' mindsets without actually thinking for themselves and doing some research. I have friends who believe that the bible is the perfect book and has no flaws whatsoever. However, I have read the bible during my years as a Christian and that is why I am an Atheist today. I am not saying they must come to the same conclusion, but they must consider that they are wrong about somethings and it would do them a lot of good to figure things out for themselves. They would be more credible and have a broader view of life and people. They would be less likely to judge others as well.

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