Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Understanding Media": My interpretation

After reading the article, "Understanding Media," my scope of knowledge wasn't revolutionized or anything, but it did allow me to see things in a different way. For one, when someone creates a mode of transportation or a medium, the achievement isn't the immediate result. For example, after a bridge is built, the immediate result is that places are connected and cars can pass by. However, that is not the real success.  The real prize is the relationships being created by people and by the cities. The medium of the bridge opened many horizons that would not have been created any other way (as far as we know). The successes seem to be independent from the real purposes of technology being created, like airplanes, which were made for flying and connecting people from all around the world easily and quickly. However, what they brought about was far more than that. Knowledge of cultures and nature and new ways of creating technology were spread and continue to spread to this day. Also, the plane creates a much larger scale point than does a train, as it can travel overseas. This article explains also how people must look and examine all parts of a situation before analyzing the entire thing. They must consider all possibilities for a cause of, say, cancer. Perhaps this is why scientists still have not found a cure. They most likely are missing or overlooking something, or many things. However, society cannot blame them, for there can be an unlimited number of factors. There is also the matter of theory. A theory is different from a fact in that it can still change. A fact is timeless, but some theories or instructions constantly need to be checked and retested many times for accuracy. For example, the theory that the sun, and every other planet, revolves around the earth, was created. It was taken as a fact, as people live on earth and from our point of view, the sun seems to be rising and setting, moving around. However, after a while, this was proven wrong. The earth revolves around the sun. How do we know this? From scientific testing and new technology. The telescope, satellite dishes, and other things, allowed us to arrive at the fact that we are in a heliocentric galaxy. This has not only changed our science textbooks, but also our hunger for more knowledge, and more theories created from this fact. The more facts we discover, the more theories, the more technology that is created, the more likely theories will turn into facts or be utterly proven wrong. By looking at all angles and considering all factors, many things can be accomplished and give us all a different and more efficient level of knowledge about many things.

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